Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tree Grounding and Centering

There are many different ways to ground this is a method and technique a friend taught me and works very well, with me and many others I know and have taught.

First off make sure you are wearing something very lite colored and comfortable.  If you can get a yoga mat or a chair, try to not wear any shoes, sox are ok.  I try to tell everyone to wear solid white if they can.

Next, clear your mind of everything and anything.  While either sitting in a chair or cross legged on the floor, take a couple of slow deep breaths.

Now close your eyes.

Imagine that your feet are roots to a great tree feel your roots growing deeper into the earth pulling nutrients up into your trunk and extending your branches to the sky.

When you feel that you are steady enough reach your branches up higher, feel the energy coming down from the heavens down into your being.

Feel the energy move through your body, flowing in through your branches and letting it stream down through your roots.

Pull in the energy from your roots and let it out through your branches.

Imagine that the energy swirls within you at your very core, the whole time breathing deeply.  Letting all excess energy down into the earth for other things to grow, but not giving off all of your energy you still need your own to grow as well.

Start breathing normally and then open your eyes.  Don't get up quickly give it a minute or so.

I hope this worked for you and you enjoyed it.

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