Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Religious Beliefs and Politics Don't Mix

 Before I continue, I just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't forget or disregard the blog.  I had major surgery and will be back on here posting again slowly.

 With everything going in this country with the economy as bad as it is and no jobs, no money, what is the president and his staff worried about, everything but that.  They want to ask the religious figures to preach not the good book or to have faith but asking them to preach about government and federal issues.

I feel and strongly believe that this will cause major issues and prevent people from attending.  The reason why I say this is because if I wanted to hear about the country and it's issues I will watch the news, not attending services.  They will loose patrons and people will not be willing or wanting to attend mass.  So keep the services to the higher beings spiritaully speaking not the people in Washington.

Anyway, just wanted to get this quick point out there and off my chest.  I have been watching Fox News Channel and Glenn Beck, I had not wanted to believe what he was saying about calling Obama and his staff Crime Inc., but the more I watch, the more they all tie in, its crazy.