Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Health and Spirituality

I strongly believe that if your spiritually enlightened and a true believer in God or a God, that your body, mind and soul will help over come almost anything.
I have spoken to many individuals with health issues and their spirits are down.  Not just their emotions but their spiritual guardians as well.  If you dont believe in yourself how can you believe or trust in anyone or anything else.  Find something basic to start with, to believe in again and you will see slowly but surely your mental, physical and emotional state of mind will start to change for the better and help you recover or get over almost anything.
Make sure you say a little prayer either the begining of the day or the end of the day or even both.  And always smile no matter how much the pain inside.  A smile goes a long way not only for yourself but for others around you.  I have noticed and it's sad to say or admit but sometimes people don't like to be around sick individuals, not because they are sick but when your sick and deppressed or just lost in your own thoughts no one wants to be around cause it spiritually drains others around you.  It brings them down as well and they leave spiritually deppressed.  Many individuals don't realize that we all effect each other on a daily basis on not just a physical level but spiritually as well.
Pray for yourself and your spirits to help you spiritually and you will see a change in your life with everything and everyone around you.

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